Ever since my early boyhood I have been quite interested in Amateur Radio.

In fact I have held my Ham radio license for 35 years in 2009 and am still as active as ever on the air waves.

I am particularly interested in DX´ing and Short Wave Contesting and hold numerous awards in this field.

Together with Andrew, OZ1XJ I operate a state-of-the art Ham Radio station with the call sign OZ5E, where we try to put Denmark on the World Map in the field of Contesting.

You can follow the activities and achievements of the station here on OZ1ADL Ham Radio Blog

The OZ1ADL/OZ5E station is well known for its results in different contests and we often have guests from near and far operating as part of a group effort or as Single Operators in SSB, CW or Digimodes like RTTY.

The station is also known for its affiliation with The HamBand - Andrew is, apart from being a very active Ham Radio Operator, also a professional Musician - and has produced several songs about Amateur Radio  See more about Andrew and the HamBand

The station is particularly well-known in Contesting circles for The Contest as well as this one

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